Imagine a large swimming pool where everyone is going to get in and spend time together. Now imagine making a rule that the water should remain as calm and tranquil as possible at all times. How would this effect the behavior of the people who are in the pool? What would they have to do in order to ensure that they make no waves or cause any disturbance of the peace? That pool is the culture of Japan and that peace is precisely what they are after. I hope that this helps explain my meaning. I’m sorry to be so obtuse in my explanation though it’s tough as I don’t want to come out with gross criticisms of the culture which functions very well for many here though which simply doesn’t work for me.


My name is Kurt Bell and I am delighted that you have taken some time to share a little of the experience of life with me. I’m available on social media at the links below and can be reached via email at

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The Path of Wildness is easy to find
The course of a stream
Leaves blown in the wind
A beast’s track through the brush
And the direction of our first inclination

The Path of Wildness is an answer and response to a prescribed way of life which may leave some individuals with a sense that their living is little more than a series of pre-determined, step-like episodes between birth and death. The stages of living between these events: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, parenthood and senior are themselves natural and in accord with the needs of the species and most individuals. Many find their satisfaction in living this course and to these individuals I have little or nothing to say. Others though long for something more; something innate, genetic and seemingly calling. Adventure and change can give a degree of satisfaction and relief yet even these may seem too tame. To those who feel drawn to something beyond the entertainment and stimulation of senses I offer a walk along The Path of Wildness. Don’t bother penciling the event in your schedule, preparing a pack with goodies and supplies or even inviting a friend along, for this experience is along the course of your first inclination and you must surely always go alone.

Learn more about The Path of Wildness here:



“Dinner by the River” image used with kind permission of the artist Manny Alvarez~EmberDim. If you like his work then please check him out at his DeviantART website at the following URL:

Channel Theme Music “Song For Kurt” used with permission by Nowherians. Discover more about the artist and their music at the following URL:

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