Reupload! original edited vlog video.

This video is a kind of a personal documentation i would like to share to youtube and you guys. The purpose most likely is to share the excitement we had and also so i can see it anytime in youtube and save space on my laptop hardisk. LOL So, hope you enjoy it!

Kita ber-14 temen nongkrong bareng. Temen dari kecil. Berangkat ke eropa untuk vacation. 10 hari tour keliling eropa . Kita bikin itenerary sendiri, book hotel,book transportation such as train and bus, Dan kita pilih semua jalan darat untuk perpindahan kota di eropa.

14 childhood friend going to Europe for vacation. 10 days tour across Europe. We make our own itinery, hotel bookings, transportation like train and bus. And we go on roadtrip for town to town across europe.

Link below are the detailed day by day this eurotrip. Made by my brother in his channel Endela production.

Check it out and see the excitement

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