2020 大甲媽 五甲媽 雙媽鳳山區徒步祈福遶境 百年南巡 鎮瀾宮 龍成宮
2020 Two Mazus pray and travel around Taiwan on foot

媽祖是以臺灣、中國東南沿海為中心、擴及東亞(琉球、日本及新加坡等東南亞地區)沿海一帶的海神信仰(又稱天上聖母 、天后、天妃、天妃娘娘、湄洲娘媽、媽祖婆等)。媽祖影響力由福建莆田湄洲島傳播,歷經千年,對東亞海洋文化及南中國海產生重大影響,稱為媽祖文化。媽祖原名林默(暱稱「默娘」),排行家中老么,聰慧過人、沉默不多言,終身未婚,後常於海湧風浪顯靈、颱風轉彎、保祐平安航行,世人認為是「護國庇民」的海洋國家守護神。




Mazu is based on the belief in Poseidon (also known as the Holy Mother of Heaven, Tianhou, Tianfei, Tianfei Lady, Meizhou Mother, Mazu, Mazu, Mazu), which is centered on Taiwan and the southeast coast of China and extends to the coast of East Asia (Ryukyu, Japan, and Singapore). Mother, etc.). Mazu’s influence was spread by Meizhou Island, Putian, Fujian, and after thousands of years, it had a significant impact on East Asian marine culture and the South China Sea, known as Mazu culture. Mazu’s original name was Lin Mo (nicknamed “Mo Niang”). She was the oldest woman in her family. She was clever and quiet, and never married. She often appeared in turbulent winds and waves, turned in a typhoon, and blessed her in peace. The patron saint of marine nations.

In October 2009, Mazu Faith was selected into the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

        Lan Palace in Dajia Town, commonly known as Dajia Matsu Temple and Dajia Mom, is a Mazu temple seated in Dajia District, Taichung City, Taiwan. The temple is one of the representative temples of the Mazu faith in Taiwan. In recent years, its detour activities have become one of the most popular and popular activities in Taiwan ’s folk beliefs, and have been listed as one of the important folk customs of the intangible cultural assets of the Republic of China. In addition, the temple used to go to Mazu Temple in Meizhou to worship.
        Dajia Mazu detours into the incense, and for the Lanjia Palace in Dajia Town, Dajia District, Taichung City, Taiwan, a nine-day, eight-night Dajia mother tour is held every March in the lunar calendar. The final destination is Fengtian Palace, Xingang Township, Xingang Township, Chiayi County. The dwelling temples in order are Changhua Nanyao Palace and Xiluo Fuxing Palace; the returning dwelling temples are in order Xiluo Fuxing Palace, Beidou Mogan Palace, Changhua Tianhou Palace, and Qingshui Chaoxing Palace. It is the grandest detour activity in Taiwan.
This activity was designated as one of the important folk customs of the intangible cultural assets of the Republic of China by the Cultural Construction Association of the Executive Yuan in 2011.
        Wujia Longcheng Palace is a mazu temple and ancestor temple in Wujiazhuang, Fengshan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. It is located at No. 6, Lane 730, Wujia 2nd Road, Fengshan District, in Wujia Ziqiang Night Market. Among the many temples in Wujia, it can be called the most magnificent temple, so it is commonly called “Wujia Temple”, referred to as “Wujia Temple”. The main building of the Longcheng Palace is also the only one in Taiwan. It worships the Heavenly Mother, Shizumizu, and Marshal Dai. They are collectively called “Three Realm Masters” and bless the residents of Wujia. Longcheng Palace is not only the center of faith in Fengshan Wujia area, because it has a reading room, and it is also a good place for young students in Fengshan to review their homework. It is often full of seats. Dajia mother visited the temple for a hundred years, and the scene was grand.

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