I buy a sturdy little Island Packet sailing yacht, have it shipped to Malaysia, and begin sailing around S.E. Asia, all in pursuit of a life-long dream; to explore Asia from the “comfort” of my own yacht.

You’re welcome to join me on this adventure if you like. I’m not a professional videographer, and I don’t have the best video gear in the world. In fact, I film most of my videos with my i-Phone, but I’ll try to share as many of my adventures with you as I can.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome, as feedback will most certainly lead to better productions in the future.

I’m grateful to all of the sailors that took the time to share their experiences with us all via YouTube. Their videos gave me the extra little “nudge” that I needed to get me off of my butt, and start living my dream. I hope my videos can play some small part in helping you to live yours.

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